Friday, July 24, 2015

Test Multiple Version of Firefox in Selenium


This article describe how to test multiple version of firefox with Selenium and Firefox Portable.

Demo Video


Rails, minitest and Selenium

Use Remote Webdriver in Selenium


1. Download firefox portable as needed

For Linux:


For Windows

Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition

You can also find other versions at SourceForge

2. Change mode / install

In Ubuntu, you need to run
chomd +x firefox31.0-64bit

to make it executable

In Windows, you need to double-click it to install (extract) it.

3. Write test case and test

For local driver, just update firefox path by
Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox.path = "path/to/firefox/binary"

as needed.

For remote driver, you can specify firefox binary path by

when run selenium-server-standalone.jar

Added FirefoxPortable version 38 to startup.bat, version 39 to startOpera.bat

For more information, please refer to
 test case and startup.bat.

Added / Updated Files

Added firefox_portable_test.rb

Added vendor/portable_app

Updated startup.bat and startOpera.bat


Selenium RubyBindings

how to use different version of firefox using webdriver?

How can you detect the version of a browser?

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